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General Discussion / Bait and Switch Jobs
Last post by Arthfach - Jun 24, 2024, 04:43 PM
Anyone else have any experience with "bait and switch" type jobs? They present the job as one thing, hire you on, and then tell you with a smile on their face that what they told you that you would have and be doing are at best tangentially related to what you actually will have and be doing? Basically, lure you in with something that sounds good and then blatantly lie to you about it after?

In my case, I feel pretty pissed off by how bad it was. Here's what they presented:

* Management position with a team of employees
* Private office
* Five day a week, set schedule
* Occasional travel and extra duties, maybe once a quarter

Here's what I'm actually seeing:

* Listed in the system as a "supervisory" position (so no union) but with no employees to supervise
* Cubicle with half-height walls in the middle of the single shared room
* Five days a week with no set schedule
* Regular, less than one day notice of random travel and work changes

I can't say that I'm particularly happy with this environment and the bullshit that is behind it, and this is definitely cementing that I just need to survive one year here and then bail as fast as is humanly possible.
General Discussion / Re: Anyone Else Still Here?
Last post by Arthfach - Oct 12, 2023, 03:36 PM
I mean it's totally okay. Like I said, many folks are into short-form blogging platforms like Bluesky, or longer-form but still blogging like Tumblr. Forums were at their peak in the mid to late 90s and a resurgence would definitely take a massive cultural shift.

I'm not saying it's impossible - the newer generations may well prefer forums because of their general dislike for the always-on real time stuff - but it's an uphill battle.
General Discussion / Re: Anyone Else Still Here?
Last post by Vustex - Oct 11, 2023, 11:41 PM
I've kinda been in other places. But I'm checking inside this forum again for a bit.
General Discussion / Re: Anyone Else Still Here?
Last post by Arthfach - Oct 08, 2023, 03:22 PM
Quote from: TheSovereignDragoness on Oct 05, 2023, 08:20 AM
Quote from: Arthfach on Oct 03, 2023, 08:26 PMSadly you are correct, but I understand it. Folks were nervous with the failure of Twitter and so scattered; they've since found new homes and forums remain dead.

It's okay; this will be here for those who need it when it's needed.

I certainly agree. Forums used to be the only way to communicate with others prior to apps and other social media back during the early years of the internet. It kind of saddens me that it's no longer a thing, but at least the users are finding their niches. And that's a good thing.

I'll still be around lurking if anyone wanted to chat or ask me something.

It does sadden me as well, but I understand it in the end. I think there will be a time when the short-form social media loses its staying power, especially with younger generations who are moving back towards a more privacy-oriented mindset, but goodness only knows when that will be.

I'm around as well, just perhaps not as much as I should be.
Quote from: Arthfach on Oct 03, 2023, 08:26 PMSadly you are correct, but I understand it. Folks were nervous with the failure of Twitter and so scattered; they've since found new homes and forums remain dead.

It's okay; this will be here for those who need it when it's needed.

I certainly agree. Forums used to be the only way to communicate with others prior to apps and other social media back during the early years of the internet. It kind of saddens me that it's no longer a thing, but at least the users are finding their niches. And that's a good thing.

I'll still be around lurking if anyone wanted to chat or ask me something.
General Discussion / Re: Anyone Else Still Here?
Last post by Arthfach - Oct 03, 2023, 08:26 PM
Sadly you are correct, but I understand it. Folks were nervous with the failure of Twitter and so scattered; they've since found new homes and forums remain dead.

It's okay; this will be here for those who need it when it's needed.
General Discussion / Anyone Else Still Here?
Last post by TheSovereignDragoness - Sep 25, 2023, 05:54 AM
I feel like this forum is dead. Prove me wrong 👀
General Discussion / Re: Introductions
Last post by Arthfach - Aug 22, 2023, 08:41 PM
Welcome in Cynder! <3 Glad to see you!
General Discussion / Re: Introductions
Last post by cynderofblackscales - Aug 22, 2023, 04:30 PM
Hello everyone.

I'm Cynder (She/her). You might have seen me at a virtual convention as cynderofblackscales.

I'm otherkin, a dragon and a kitsune and I am currently training with a pagan church in the hopes of one day becoming a priestess.
General Discussion / Re: Introductions
Last post by Sludge - Aug 01, 2023, 12:05 PM
Thank you!

Well. Back to introductions

Hello! I'm Stone, shapeshifter/mimic and coyote/werecoyote. Its complicated feel free to ask. I prefer the term non-human since I'm still figuring myself out. I have known I was non-human for quite awhile now and never really had the words for it until a few months ago. But I'm happy to be more involved with the community. I'm anxious and autistic so apologies if I'm a bit awkward or tense.

Anyway- I like roleplaying, art, writing, zoology, and much much more. It's nice to meet you all!