The Bear Den

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Arthfach on Oct 27, 2022, 09:23 PM

Title: Introductions
Post by: Arthfach on Oct 27, 2022, 09:23 PM
Welcome to the introductions thread. Here you can tell us a little bit about yourself and also get to know other forum members. Feel free to offer up as much or as little as you like - whatever you feel comfortable with sharing.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: DoveWithScales on Oct 27, 2022, 10:54 PM
Call me Dove, or Dragon Mom. I doubt there'll be many people who don't know me already. I'm an ordained pagan priestess, editor, and otherkin. Dragon, fae, crow, and kakodaimon.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Cipher on Jun 15, 2023, 03:03 PM
Hey, I'm Cipher, the Devil. Y'all know me already XD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: DoveWithScales on Jun 15, 2023, 03:23 PM
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Abraxas on Jun 16, 2023, 03:44 AM
Howdy, our name is Abraxas. We're plural, we have a hearthome, and we are fictionkin. People might know us as the Arcade Gannon or Fallout guy.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Prophecy on Jun 16, 2023, 06:40 AM
I'm Joe, or Proph as most online know me. Streamer, gamer, techie, and jack of all trades. Arth is one of my best friends, so of course I'm here. Be prepared to see lots of dick and fart jokes and crude humor from me, in its purest form. I'm the self proclaimed "King of the trolls", and also have the tag of "Global Moderator", so thats a fun combo ;)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Haven on Jun 18, 2023, 02:09 AM
I'm Haven, sometimes HavenDragon, and I use they/it pronouns. I enjoy art of many different mediums and styles, and I'm an avid gamer. Sometimes I write or paint. I heard from a friend that DoveWithScales was cool, and that's basically why I've found myself here. I'm a dragonkin, and I have several fiction kintypes as well.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Shiloh (Bee System) on Jun 20, 2023, 04:46 PM
Allo, I'm Shiloh. I'm part of a system (Currently our name is "Bee System" but we're not sold on it, and have changed it a couple of times before). Zuri and Enigma may show up, too; Enigma may make her own account, as that's what she prefers to do.

I'm nonbinary and use they/them or ne/nem pronouns (Ne likes to wear nir favorite shirt frequently; it's gotten a little worn on nem). Zuri considers himself a transman and a femboy twink (he felt this was very important to share, so y'know) and uses he/him pronouns. Enigma uses she/her and considers herself a cis woman. We also have Nisa, who uses she/her pronouns, but Nisa is a grumpy, antisocial tiger. We'll talk about her but the chances of her showing up are very low.

Uhh, I'm a writer! Primarily a poet, but I write fantasy stuff too. I have a published poetry book and am in a few anthologies. I roleplay, too.

I'm otherkin and fictionkin. I'm a cat. =^.^=

I'm also extremely socially anxious. I have a variety of disorders that make things Difficult(tm) for me, so it took me a while to get around to posting lol.

The flower on my avatar is something I draw a LOT, and Zuri wanted a knife in the avatar too, so I doodled that real quickly xD I don't have much artistic talent, but I can doodle a few things decently, and I like editing graphics to make fun things. I also like coding things. Pretty things make me happy.

This is long enough, so. Uh. Hi! XD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: dzamie on Jun 24, 2023, 07:02 AM
Hiya. I'm Dzamie. Furry, gamer, occasionally an artist and writer. Particularly fond of dragons, snakes, and other scaly creatures. I suspect I'll do a lot of lurking.
Blame or credit Dove for me being here.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: DoveWithScales on Jun 24, 2023, 12:59 PM
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Arthfach on Jun 24, 2023, 02:01 PM
Welcome on in everyone! I'm glad to see you all and I hope you enjoy your time here, active or lurking!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: floofushush on Jul 18, 2023, 05:22 AM
Hello. I am Sunny, though most online will know me as Floof. I am a therian and therein autistic practicing draconic pagan who's been awakened for 3+ years. I am a wolf, yet only recently have I found myself to be a dragon as well.
I draw. I make plenty of art, and have a tendency to hyperfixate on roleplays and Pokemon. I quite like jolteon :) I am very happy this site exists, especially after Kinmunnity was shut down, and I do hope to get to know others more.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Arthfach on Jul 18, 2023, 12:09 PM
Welcome on in, Sunny! <3 I hope you enjoy your time here with us!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: DoxionSomo on Jul 22, 2023, 04:50 PM
Hi! Im Doxion, you can call me Doxi or Dox for short. im 24 and im mainly fictionhearted (virgil sanders from sanders sides), questioning some other identities around being cat, griffin, robot, and dragon. i like youtube, nature, lignuistics, and probably other things. oh and im also plural. nice to meet you all!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: DoxionSomo on Jul 22, 2023, 04:53 PM
uhh, it says i need 2fa, and that i need a compatible app, idk what app to use, idr want to use the suggested one bc its google. any suggestions?
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Arthfach on Jul 22, 2023, 10:31 PM
You shouldn't need 2FA unless you're a moderator on a forum; I'll double-check. However, that you're logged in tells me it let you in just fine? What are you trying to do that the forum isn't letting you do right now?

Also welcome on in!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sludge on Jul 31, 2023, 06:09 PM
Quote from: Arthfach on Jul 22, 2023, 10:31 PMYou shouldn't need 2FA unless you're a moderator on a forum; I'll double-check. However, that you're logged in tells me it let you in just fine? What are you trying to do that the forum isn't letting you do right now?

Also welcome on in!

I'm having a similar issue I think. Whenever I try to access my profile or settings it just tells me to authenticate. I scanned the QR code and inputted the code it gave me from google authentication and my password but all I got was that it wasn't a valid code even though I double checked.

" The administrator requires two-factor authentication to be enabled on all accounts. Please enable 2FA here in order to resume.
In order to have two-factor authentication, you would need a compatible app such as Google Authenticator on your device. Once you have enabled 2FA for your account, you will be required to enter a code from the paired device alongside your username and password in order to successfully login. After you have enabled 2FA, a backup code will be provided in case you lose your paired device. "

I don't really get what it means by enable? I inputted the QR code and did everything else. As well as trying to look it up and searching around but I still don't really understand. I'm sorry if I sound dumb
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Arthfach on Jul 31, 2023, 11:34 PM
Quote from: Sludge on Jul 31, 2023, 06:09 PM
Quote from: Arthfach on Jul 22, 2023, 10:31 PMYou shouldn't need 2FA unless you're a moderator on a forum; I'll double-check. However, that you're logged in tells me it let you in just fine? What are you trying to do that the forum isn't letting you do right now?

Also welcome on in!

I'm having a similar issue I think. Whenever I try to access my profile or settings it just tells me to authenticate. I scanned the QR code and inputted the code it gave me from google authentication and my password but all I got was that it wasn't a valid code even though I double checked.

" The administrator requires two-factor authentication to be enabled on all accounts. Please enable 2FA here in order to resume.
In order to have two-factor authentication, you would need a compatible app such as Google Authenticator on your device. Once you have enabled 2FA for your account, you will be required to enter a code from the paired device alongside your username and password in order to successfully login. After you have enabled 2FA, a backup code will be provided in case you lose your paired device. "

I don't really get what it means by enable? I inputted the QR code and did everything else. As well as trying to look it up and searching around but I still don't really understand. I'm sorry if I sound dumb

Okay, that's super odd. I have disabled 2FA for the moment while I investigate why that broke but you should be good to go now.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sludge on Aug 01, 2023, 12:05 PM
Thank you!

Well. Back to introductions

Hello! I'm Stone, shapeshifter/mimic and coyote/werecoyote. Its complicated feel free to ask. I prefer the term non-human since I'm still figuring myself out. I have known I was non-human for quite awhile now and never really had the words for it until a few months ago. But I'm happy to be more involved with the community. I'm anxious and autistic so apologies if I'm a bit awkward or tense.

Anyway- I like roleplaying, art, writing, zoology, and much much more. It's nice to meet you all!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: cynderofblackscales on Aug 22, 2023, 04:30 PM
Hello everyone.

I'm Cynder (She/her). You might have seen me at a virtual convention as cynderofblackscales.

I'm otherkin, a dragon and a kitsune and I am currently training with a pagan church in the hopes of one day becoming a priestess.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Arthfach on Aug 22, 2023, 08:41 PM
Welcome in Cynder! <3 Glad to see you!