The Bear Den

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About Me

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This website is, and will always be, a work of love from the heart - not a machine.

Hi! My chosen name is Arthfach, I was born in November of 1986, and I'm the owner of Bear Den Hosting, LLC, business manager at Greenberg Law, PLLC, and a United States federal government employee.

I was born and raised in the great state of Maine, and have lived in Washington state, Pennsylvania, California, and now I am living in Virginia with my beautiful kitten Kalinya (or more commonly called "Kit-Kit").

Kalinya ("Kit-Kit")

My hobbies include cooking, working with various kinds of IT equipment (hardware and software), playing games (board and video), playing instruments, and collecting teddy bears. I have recently also begun sketching and learning to crochet with yarn that I am making using a Kromski Minstrel spinning wheel and a small drop spindle.

I love my friends with all my heart.

Basket of friends!

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