About Me
Hi! My chosen name is Arthfach, I was born in November of 1986, and I'm the owner of Bear Den Hosting, LLC, business manager at Greenberg Law, PLLC, and a United States federal government employee.
I was born and raised in the great state of Maine, and have lived in Washington state, Pennsylvania, California, and now I am living in Virginia with my beautiful kitten Kalinya (or more commonly called "Kit-Kit").

Kalinya ("Kit-Kit")
My hobbies include cooking, working with various kinds of IT equipment (hardware and software), playing games (board and video), playing instruments, and collecting teddy bears. I have recently also begun sketching and learning to crochet with yarn that I am making using a Kromski Minstrel spinning wheel and a small drop spindle.
I love my friends with all my heart.

Basket of friends!
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Contact Me
- Email: Arthur@Arthfach.com
- Forum: https://arthfach.com/forum
- XMPP: arthfach@arthfach.com
- Discord: Arthfach
- Telegram: Arthfach
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Key Thoughts
- I am a believer in magic - that there are many things in the world that can't be explained with pure logic and science.
- I follow the concept of animism: I believe that all things animate or inanimate have a spirit. Therefore, by extension, I believe that all things are alive and deserve respect.
- I believe that love, kindness, and innocence are the most precious things in the world and should be cherished and protected.
- I believe it is better to start from a position of treating everyone as a friend until they prove otherwise, rather than being distant and waiting for them to earn trust.
- I think that a warm and cozy home, be it owned, rented, or otherwise, is the perfect balm for a troubled spirit and that the ability to rest is a right all should have.